700 Bodywarmers 2025 Enschede 700
Get involved! Create a Bodywarmer, Wearable Art or Artwork as a Social & Sustainable Fashion Statement.
Get involved! Create a Bodywarmer, Wearable Art or Artwork as a Social & Sustainable Fashion Statement.
Friday 28 June 2024 from 13:30-16:00 at Maakplaats053 in Enschede's Bieb, Upcycle your Festival Outfit with text prints by artist Quinta Bies.
“to me this is f#cking fresh!”
Broken jeans?
Make them fine again with Sashiko (Japanese basting stitch technique) & Boro (the result of visibly repairing worn textile). We run various workshops to repair your clothes in an original way.
On Friday 29 December 2023, you can give your party outfit for New Year's Eve a little extra at the Enschede Library, so you can 'shine' on the last day of the year. A good start for 2024!
Garments need to repair? Sewing and mending jobs? Come along with your clothes to repair it yourself in company and learn from each other.
From 12 to 29 October 2022, you can borrow clothes at the Enschede library. We have put together a nice collection of clothes that you can borrow for a small fee during these 3 weeks.
Fashion Revolution Week from 18 to 24 April 2022. Wake up! 7 days of clothes swapping, restyling, upcycling at the former Pyjama Factory the Robson.
Make an amazing creation out of garments or other material you don't wear anymore and join us at the Overlap-Parade on October 30, 2021 at the Van Haag tot Wal Festival in the city of Enschede.